Our 4th Anniversary!

We’ve hit the big 4.0! While we’re not doing anything special to celebrate we do want to acknowledge the occasion and thank everyone who has been here along the way. We wouldn’t be what we are without you!

Here’s to four more years! (Starting to sound like an incumbent American presidential campaign, better quit while I’m ahead.)

Do pass the word along to your friends that we have parcels available, we’d love to have more people join the neighborhood.

Matt & Bind

Toodles to 2014 and a New Office

Hello everyone! Been a long time between posts once again but that does not mean we’ve been sitting on our butts all this time. We’ve been making small changes here and there to make Risian Flux the prettiest place it can be as well as the best place to live, and to make sure 2015 gets off to a good start we’ve made a few more noticeable changes recently.

First you will notice that we’ve put in new paths around the region. These are a lovely work from Botanical and have some nice options, including seasonal versions of the textures which make things a lot nicer looking when the weather changes (as well as making it a lot easier on Matt).

We’ve also removed the Cave. While it was a nice little place to hang out or party it was not being used enough to warrant the prim usage. Instead an area right up by the shops has been set up for any organized parties and the Beach is still a nice place for your informal events or romantic evenings.

The Yard Sale is still up and running, though we’ve changed things around there too. Residents get their free Yard Sale privileges still and now have much more room to set up allowing for larger and more items. On the rental side there are fewer tables and five new small shops to better suit the needs of hard-core Arcade goers. Residents, remember to pass the word along to your friends that if they have things to sell  that we’re an inexpensive option that does get some traffic.

We’ve also changed the community & info office building to something smaller and a little more rustic to coincide with the recent cosmetic changes to the region. Once Bind finds his desk you’ll likely find him parked up here.

Office Dec 2014 ExteriorOffice Dec 2014 Lower Level 1 Office Dec 2014 Lower Level 2 Office Dec 2014 Upper LevelFor those of you who’ve asked about reliable security systems, GalaTech sells one, and of course we always love it when our retail establishments get some business. Or, there’s the system that Risian Flux Management recommends due to its features and intelligence: there is a vendor in the office in the little nook next to the stairs.

We hope you’ve all enjoyed Risian Flux in 2014 and we intend to make 2015 even better!


Yard Sale!

We have a yard sale!

All of our residents (and some invited individuals) are now able to offer their no copy items they’ve picked up from gachas or other sales! We’re pleased to offer this service to our residents in an effort to increase our region traffic and hopefully boost rentals.

We’re also now renting tables and ground platform space as well as offering space for our residents. After a very quick collaboration and redesign effort we’ve got the yard sale open for business quickly. So please share with anyone interested in renting tables. Of course if they moved in here they’d get some space for free, too.

There isn’t much out at the moment as we’re just starting up, but soon we hope to have a lot of varied, high quality items up for sale. So consider dropping by at some point and check out the offerings, and of course our residents can start putting things out right away!

Yard Sale Ad (Square) Risian Flux Yard Sale SLurl


Marketplace Updates


Spring Cleaning

Spring sprung early at Risian Flux, but we’re just getting underway with updating some things to make them better for our existing and hopefully new retailers, shoppers, residents and guests.

The north side shops have been removed, and the “basement” of the Marketplace (it used to house Ripley’s once upon a time) has been opened up into a new large shop. The interior space is nominally 48×24 m and would give anyone that needs plenty of space just that. Initial settings for the rental are 200 prims for L$500 per week, though it can of course be expanded to accommodate more prims if necessary.

RFMarketplace_002A cozy outdoor bistro seating area has been added to the north side overlooking the expanded lake, creating an ideal area for larger gatherings and of course anyone is welcome to use the area whenever they like!

RFMarketplace001The boardwalk by the lower shop leads to a small dock where the rowboat has made a reappearance, and there’s plenty of room to take a swim.

We hope you all enjoy this updated look to the retail area. If you know anyone that would be interested in the lower shop, invite them over and give them a tour, and have them message Matt for questions.



Help Alloson Become Mr. Gay 2014

Our very own Alloson Sands is in the running for Mr. Gay 2014 as Mr. September!

If you would take time out of your day to vote, the polls open on December 6th and run through the the end of the 14th. You can vote once per day, and there is no cost for voting.

The winner will be announced on the 15th at a party in the WinterFest region of Candyland (SLurl below), and besides the honor of being Mr. Gay 2014 will also win L$20,000! So help Ally out and vote, vote, vote!

Polling Locations:
1. GA Coronal: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GA%20Coronal/75/181/24
Located at the Community Mall
2. Candyland : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Candyland/128/128/21
From the landing point, walk or fly to the stage, left at hill is the 2nd contest board.

Once again, please help Ally out and vote!


Rocky Horror Picture Show Available

Risian Flux is happy to provide you with the Rocky Horror Picture Show! Head on down to our Theatre and just touch the RHPS DVD box in front of the big screen and hit play in the menu! We’ll keep it out until Thanksgiving for your viewing enjoyment.

Note: Maximum of 10 people can watch at once.