Our very own Alloson Sands is in the running for Mr. Gay 2014 as Mr. September!
If you would take time out of your day to vote, the polls open on December 6th and run through the the end of the 14th. You can vote once per day, and there is no cost for voting.
The winner will be announced on the 15th at a party in the WinterFest region of Candyland (SLurl below), and besides the honor of being Mr. Gay 2014 will also win L$20,000! So help Ally out and vote, vote, vote!
Polling Locations:
1. GA Coronal: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GA%20Coronal/75/181/24
Located at the Community Mall
2. Candyland : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Candyland/128/128/21
From the landing point, walk or fly to the stage, left at hill is the 2nd contest board.
Once again, please help Ally out and vote!